Tuesday 24 March 2020

Stay safe!

Tough time ahead, folk!

Yesterday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set out strict measures. It's a pandemic so, in order to stop the spread of corona virus, we must stay at home.

I will stay at home. I can continue my investigations from here. There is much that I can still do with my books.

That WE can do. Together!

Let's be together in this. Write down here what's your experience in this hard time. I'll read and reply to everyone with pleasure :)

Please, stay safe!


Friday 13 March 2020

Big Update incoming!

Hi everyone! I had to let you guys know in advance – something big is on the horizon. I’ve just gotten a HUGE lead on the XV3 situation – and I mean HUGE.

Check out my blog soon: I promise you won’t be disappointed!

It's out!!!

That's my girl! Go Sue! The comic is finally online! Check it out if you want to know more about my work!  Stay safe, folk!