Monday, 30 September 2019

Blood from a Stone

It’s been a week since I found the name XV3 over the scanner. As you can imagine, I’ve been researching like mad trying to find something. Wikipedia was a dead end… crazy, I know. The web in general was a complete dead end – nothing from no one. I turned to some of the great bloggers – even got to message Unc0v3r, no one has even heard of the name.

XV3 is a mystery – it’s like trying to draw blood from a stone.

But even in failing some things have come to the surface.

This level of secrecy with this much authority can only come from the government. I’m sure of it. There’s clearly some animosity between them and the police. Who would have jurisdiction over lampreys? That’s where the police tension comes from – lizards want control over the lampreys and these lot are stepping on their territory.

It’s still all conjecture. The police might not really be lizards and XV3 might be secret military stuff. Again, if you have any details or clues then please don’t hesitate to email me at

It's out!!!

That's my girl! Go Sue! The comic is finally online! Check it out if you want to know more about my work!  Stay safe, folk!